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Audio personalization has never been easier with Tunefork’s official app.

We know that 2020 was a rough year… to say the least. A worldwide pandemic, devastating bushfires, storms, and an overall feeling that the year needed to be good and done with - ASAP. But, for those of us in the sound personalization field, it was a great year. The Tunefork team found 2020 to be particularly exciting, as we launched a Beta app and raised 1.5M dollars from Triventures-ARC. And now we’re back with a huge announcement.

After seven months of hard work, we are excited to unveil Tunefork's official app version with new features!

Let’s take a deep dive and explore exactly what they are.

1. The Tunefork Effect Slider

We love to hear feedback from our users. We appreciate your willingness to help us optimize our app for the best, most personalized sound. So, after many requests, we are happy to add the Tunefork Effect slider to our app.

With this slider, you can decide how much change will be on your device's ordinary sound. You will find the slider on the home screen. Please let us know what you think!

2. All Your Audiogram Results in One Convenient Place

Sometimes, there’s that special something that just needs to be seen as soon as you open the app… like your hearing test results. To all the users out there who didn't find their hearing test results with ease before, we are glad to inform you that from now on, all your hearing test results will appear right here on your home screen. When you click on the white square at the upper left corner of the test “card” (we call it cards because we are so square) you will enable this test on your mobile. and when you want to see the test result just click on the test “card” and you’ll move to the test result screen. No more clicking or searching, whatsoever!

3. Sharing is Comparing

Many users have expressed their desire to compare their hearing test results with those of their spouses, friends, or colleagues. With the new sharing feature, sharing the app is now simpler than ever, and proves, once and for all, that with Tunefork, your hearing is better. Press on the menu (the three lines on the right corner), and here it is; you can share our app via Facebook, Whatsapp, mail, messenger and more.

4. Contact Us

We made it easy for you to reach us with the new contact us page. Now, you can send us feedback, questions or even love letters. We want it all!

What are we planning for this year? Collaboration with amazing telecommunication and entertainment companies. Adaptation of Tunefork technology to computers. And, of course, to continue to help you personalize the sounds you hear, anywhere you go.

So, what are you waiting for? Download our FREE app now!


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